Retreat For Individuals

Over the last four years we have had the privilege of running retreats for individuals from all over the world.

During this time we have come to understand two things about individuals and leadership. The first one is that everyone of us is unique and a leader in some capacity. Whether we lead a big organization, a group of people, our household, or even ourselves we all play somehow the role of a leader. The second that it is not the title that defines a leader but instead their identity in Christ as it is this part of them that creates the type of impact their leadership has on those they lead.

Like with most things in life the people a leader leads are more often than not the reflection of the leader and their leadership. This reality means that what impacts the followers, including himself, the most is the condition of the leaders heart as in life the most important things are not taught as much as they are caught subconsciously.

Our understanding of this means and the often public persona a leader has is the reason why we have purposely created our retreat for leaders to be small in number and 10 days long. This small and intimate setting lends itself over the 10 days to encourage those in attendance to become vulnerable with each other, thus enabling much healing and restoration to take place.

The Bible says that life begins in the heart and we believe that leadership does too. A healthy heart means not only a healthy individual and leader but just as important healthy followers.

We therefore invite you to consider joining us for one of our individual retreats where we are confident your heart and leadership will be touched and transformed by God.

*These retreats can be attended by individuals on their own or a leader and their team. Please press the Botton below for more information.

Great things happen with God when we open the graden of our hearts. Relating at the site of The Sermon of the Mount

Meditation time on top of Mt Arbel where Yeshua prayed all night

Having traveled much of the world and seen many great sights and experienced many tours I can tell you this is one not to be missed. Pablo and his friendly and accommodating crew of professionals will lead you and your heart on a journey to remember. From the meditations and thoughts in the morning to the sharing around the hotel lobby and everything in between. See the authentic and best of Israel and the best of yourself on this tour. I will be back.
— Mark Eaton, President, Eaton Leadership Foundation